Our Brands


Nokware means "truth" in Twi, a local Ghanian language.

Originating from Africa's rich traditions and resources, Nokware is a 100% natural, clean beauty. Nokware skincare is borne out of the fusion between traditional and modern-day knowledge, promoting the use of African herbs, oils and plants to heal and protect the skin.

Nokware sources its raw materials such as calabashes and shea butter from local Ghanian women's cooperatives, with whom they practice a fair-pricing, zero-exploitation policy because economic inclusion is its ultimate goal.

Nokware is transforming the narrative around beauty by confidently championing a message of self-love, and establishing a space where the skin tones that are often overlooked and the skin concerns which are usually neglected are represented beautifully.

Shop Nokware

Olaedo Naturals

Olaedo means "Gold" in Igbo, one of the major Nigerian languages.

Since 2018, Olaedo Naturals has made it its mission to help more and more people stay confident in their skin, irrespective of whatever skin concern they might be dealing with.

All Olaedo Naturals products have been carefully created with a focus on comfort and simplicity. The brand partners with certified cosmetic scientists to formulate skincare products which meet everyday skin needs and bring Nigerian skincare ingredients to the spotlight. It is no surprise that their motto is "Science and Culture"!

At Olaedo Naturals, the belief is that beauty is personal and should only be defined by the individual.

Shop Olaedo Naturals